Here’s a quick question you may not have considered:
What does a raccoon riding alligator have to do with digital marketing ? (Scroll down below the picture to reveal the answer)
Absolutely nothing.
Except for the fact that it does make a great segue into our discussion on why “weird” is a good attention-grabbing strategy in digital marketing.
It got you to read this, didn’t it?
If you want to get your people in your target market to actually stop what they are doing, and be so fascinated by what they see they can’t help but to click the link you just posted, you’ll want to try using strange, weird and wonderful headlines.
BUT – a word of caution: Read this post before you use the weird strategy to learn how to do it effectively. There are some basic but crucial rules on its execution.
The most effective attention-getting strategy: Be weird
Why Weird Works:
The weird attention-getting strategy works because it uses a human survival instinct we all have to spot things that are out of place. It is something we do because we:
a) Always want to ensure we are safe, and weird or unusual can mean danger…
b) We are curious beings by nature. Learning is how we evolve. It’s how we, as a species, get better.
If you think about it, that’s likely what had you click this article.
Humans want to understand and solve things. And, it’s easier to spot things that are out of place than things that are usual or to be expected.
This strategy is used be some of the top copywriters in the world. Like the guys who work for the National Enquirer. It is the No.5 most read publication in the world.
For those who aren’t familiar with the magazine, it’s got articles with the latest celebrity news. The stories are completely made up, but they often seem valid and real. Like this one about Oprah:
Just to be clear, I’m not going to show you how to make up stuff so you can fool people into reading your articles. Below you’ll learn how to use weird to get attention only, while remaining a credible resource with your integrity in tact.
Want more proof?
CWD recently used this tactic for a forklift dealership in and increased web traffic on the day it was posted BY MORE THAN 10X. How did we do that? On April Fools day CWD added this listing to the company web store for a hover lift truck. It was a fun joke that made warehouse manager smile and got them some major attention:
3 Rules when using the be weird attention-getting strategy:
1. Use weird in your hook or title, then follow up with facts and truths. It’s important that any content your business shares publicly provides value. When you are constantly feeding your target market information and solutions they need, you become a credible resource that your people trust.
So, if you use the be weird strategy use it only to hook your reader. It’s best used in titles and email subject lines.
Once you get their attention your job is done. Your strategy worked. Then, you have to follow up with true facts and serious information to keep your credibility in tact.
You never want your customers to feel fooled or dumb. That breaks trust and can damage your brand.
Here are some examples of how to use “weird” to hook:
- North American Nutritionist’s blog: “Why eating crickets is good for your health” – Article that explains how crickets are high in protein and are eaten in many countries around the world for good health.
- Tampa news blog article: “This Christmas there’s snow in Florida” – Article is about a popular new toy for kids – a mini snow cone machine – that’s selling out quickly in at local department stores for the Christmas season.
- Health blog: “Why you should be happy if you’re bald” – Article reveals a research study that shows bald men live longer, also it advises people to check every time they face a medical negligence situation.
2. Tap into niche topics in your industry. Look at your industry and evaluate the topics that aren’t commonly discussed openly. You want them to be common enough that people deal with them, yet things that no one else is solving.
Here are some examples:
- Doctor’s blog: “What your pooh says about your health”
- Therapist’s blog: “Why less sex can be good for your marriage”
- Online recipe: “How to make low-fat zucchini fries that taste like french fries”
3. Use odd images. Pictures that look out of place are good attention grabbers.
Jeff Johnson, an expert in lead generation suggests that people are drawn to images the suggest luxury or living a good life.
The experts at have tested many landing page conversion rates using the same copy but changing out the pictures. They found that using a picture of an attractive woman smiling will increase your chances of conversion. This is true for every industry and even if your landing page content is completely unrelated to women.
See our use of the weird image tactic here: