Tag Archives: search engine optimization

How to do on-page SEO yourself

How to do on-page SEO yourself Here’s a quick tutorial that will walk you through how to do on-page SEO yourself. It will tell you where you need to place your seo keyword phrase to optimize your web pages for best results with search engines. If you want the full information and process, order our free 60-page book, called: Digital Marketing Secrets Revealed, at the bottom of this page. However if you really want to increase your online traffic with up-to-date internet marketing strategies without spending much money, webdesign499 offers Best Priced In South FL

How to do your own on page optimization


1. META and TITLE tag:

There are a series of tags in the header of each page – between the tags that contain information that describes the content on the page. The two tags you should focus on are the <TITLE> tag and the META DESCRIPTION tag.

The TITLE tag contains the words that show up at the top of your visitors web browser. They are also an indicator of page content. In other words, this is what people see when they pull up a description of your site. So, it’s a good idea to use language that’s enticing along with placing your keyword phrase here. Your page’s keywords should go in here.

They should also be the first words in the META DESCRIPTION, followed by no more than 160 characters. (Google doesn’t pay attention to anything past 160). You will find the tital tag and meta description tag on the back end of your WordPress site below the text box.

The META DESCRIPTION tag also describes the pages content and is used as a summary preview when the page is index by Google. Here’s what the title and meta tag would look like on the back end of this article.

Title Tag Example: <title>How to do your own seo</title>

META Description Tag Example <meta name="description" content="How to do your own seo? This quick-read article will give you the basics on seo.CLICK HERE." /> *Quick tip:  Put the words “CLICK HERE” at the end of all your meta descriptions. It’s a call to action that emphasizes the web searcher click on the link and go to your site.

2. URL tag:

Make sure your keywords are in your URL or web page name. Keywords in a URL are a great indicator of the page’s content so Google will use this as a key indictor on ranking the page. On the back of your WordPress site you can edit your url by clicking on the edit button beside the permalink under the page or post title. See image below for placement. As you’ll see, the title of the post and URL have the same keyword phrase.



3. <H1> and <H2> tags:

Your seo keywords should appear at least in one set of the headline tags on your page using the <h1></h1> tags. Be sure to use <h2></h2> or <h3></h3> subheads through the article too and sprinkle related keywords in these. If you don’t know much about web code putting a phrase in h2 tags is easy.

And so you are clear what h2 tags do, if you look at the bold headlines in this article, for example where it says “how to do SEO yourself” above, that’s an h2 headline.  You can size headlines easily and here’s how:

When you are in WordPress writing an article, flip over to text mode by clicking the “Text” tab at the corner of your text box (beside where it says” Visual” – top right of the screen). Then, locate the phrase you want to bold.  Put the h2 tag code around it.  That looks like this: <h2>How to do your own SEO</h2>

4. Image ALT tag:

Using one image for each page or post is essential for seo best results. Search engines look at the “ALT” tag description of the image.  Your keyword phrase should be placed in the alternative tag box. This is what the back end of the image looks like on this post.





5. Body text:
Your keywords should appear three to four times through out the body text on a page. Feel free to use synonyms. Use this Keyword Density tool to ensure the density of your keywords is done.  If you put too many keyword phrases in your text, the Google algorithm will penalize you.  This practice is called keyword stuffing.  A lot of seo’ers tried to trick the system, but Google’s been adapted to deal with this.

As you can see, it’s fairly easy to learn seo yourself. If you have any questions give us a call or order the book, which includes up to 30 minutes of free coaching.

If you’d like to learn more about SEO, order our 60-page ebook: Digital Marketing Secrets Revealed. Its free! To get your copy of the book now, click here:


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SEO keywords for materials handling companies

Keyword research will help you determine the keywords that your materials handling company should optimize your site for to produce the most traffic. SEO experts spend hours doing keyword analysis. This helps them determine which keyword phrases are best for optimizing a specific page on a site. It also ensures that the effort put in around optimization doesn’t result in unreasonable amounts of time and effort.

Optimizing your web site for high-value keywords can be a waste of time. Especially, if you are not a national brand. People are searching fo regional information and Google sorts content based on the searcher’s location. This is especially true when it’s a mobile search.The next section lists things to keep in mind when selecting the best keyword phrases.

SEO keywords for materials handling companies:

seo keywords for materials handling companies

Here are some tips to keep in mind when you are selecting keywords for that will best attract the right demographic within the materials handling industry:

Optimize for local. That means cities, counties and states (or provinces) that your web site serves by including the add on “in Chicago” or “in Montana” or even in a neighborhood like “in Haight Ashbury” for local businesses. If you are a national brand be sure to provide regional information, such as store locations, regional offices and the like. People like to deal with local. Support your regional reps and drive traffic to them.

Think like a searcher. Pick keyword phrases they may type in to find your product or service. Poll your local barista, your neighbors and your potential customers to help you understand how they would find you if they were searching online.

Don’t chase single word keywords. That is, unless you are patient and have a huge budget to put behind content development. And remember: No content related to that term? No traffic!

Google rewards content-rich web sites. Sites rank higher if they generate voluminous and helpful content that demonstrates that they are the topic expert. This strategy will guarantee that over time you will earn traffic from Google for all kinds of keyword phrases.

Research how difficult a keyword phrase is to win. Use a tool like Wordtracker.com. Don’t chase the hard to wint keywords. Optimize for the low-hanging fruit first then work on moving up the ranks on the more competitive keywords and keyword phrases.

A handy free research tool is Google Adwords. It can be used to find related phrases and keywords to the most obvious keywords and keyword phrases. You don’t have to buy ads to use it.

When you understand how to select appropriate keyword phrases you can share this information with your SEO agency.

Want to learn how to do SEO yourself?  This free 60-page  guide will teach you: Digital Marketing Secrets for companies in Materials Handling.  CLICK the button below to get yours now:



Should I hire an SEO expert or learn it myself

Should I hire an SEO expert or learn it myself

If you want your company web site or your revenue-generating web property to rank better in search engines to attract more traffic, then you need to understand SEO or Search Engine Optimization.

However, do you learn it yourself or hire an expert? The simple answer is a bit of both. As a  business owner, you know all too well that there’s rarely time to become an expert in all skills needed to run a business.

That said, SEO is one skill that is worth gaining some proficiency in, because outsourcing can be expensive and an ongoing monthly  cost. However, it can also be a source of web traffic that is more cost effective than buying visits through advertising.

You best approach is to find an SEO expert that is willing to not only do the work, but also mentor you (or one of your staff) in the necessary skills.

The combination of your in-house proficiency and their implemented strategy will keep ongoing SEO consulting costs down and still realize results. A good SEO expert will do an analysis of your web site to see where you are at today and measure results all the way through the process. They can help you research relevant keyword phrases (e.g. “ Cincinnati plumbing supplies”, not just “plumbing”) that will attract the right kind of traffic to your business.

You’ll also need to reconfigure your pages to improve your rankings for the targeted keyword phrases. Ask your expert to provide guidance and show you how to improve one page to start with. Instead of optimizing all the targeted pages for you, have them provide a briefing document for each page. Then follow the guidance to learn the techniques and do the work yourself. You will learn an enormous amount in the process.

Another core task you will need help with is increasing the number of links in to your pages from other sites (these are called “in-links”). Google scores a web page higher if other web sites link to it. This activity is more important than on-page optimization, however it should not be done without optimizing your pages as well.

SEO experts typically charge you to find third party sites that will link to your site and charge you a monthly fee to maintain this process.

You may want to buy this service initially but again have them train you in strategies to do in-linking yourself. Not all SEO experts will do this as it is a good revenue stream for them, however the good ones will teach you starter secrets.

If you can deploy an initial expert-designed strategy, learn some in-house capabilities, then bring your SEO expert back for quarterly audits and pay them to support your own in-house capabilities, then it will go a long way to getting the results you want and keeping costs down. 

If you are looking for an SEO expert that will get you started and train you or your staff in the expertise then contact Cyberwalker Digital.  We would be delighted to help.